Thursday, April 24, 2008

Running In The Cold

It's true. People do it. I thought they did cross training in the gym in temps below 72 degrees, but I am W-R-O-N-G. I've seen pictures of my fellow runners in snow. I've heard them talking about the obvious perils of running on ice. I've heard their cries of joy as the spring approaches, but I must say....I was comparing it all to Florida winters. Which are too cold for me to run in. So I thought I understood. But I did not.

I made a comment on how yesterday's run had me coughing like I did the ONE time I did run in the cold. This was because I have some funky upper respiratory thing going on, not from the weather. In fact, I'm sick today and realize I had no business running 6 miles yesterday. I can't even get a good deep breath right now, but I'm still glad I did run.

During the cold days, I run after 1-2pm. It's usually about 68 or so. If it's colder guess what. I don't run outside. I go to the gym. Where it's W-A-R-M. Here in Florida we have a different problem. Summer. It can be 102 degrees by midday, so we have to get up really early to beat the sun. Or go to the gym. Otherwise we get something called "heat stroke". It'll be all about hydration real soon Baby. Which causes another problem. I can't stand running with a bottle in my hand. If I plant some bottles along the way, they'll be boiling by the time I'd get to them! So I am in panic mode, knowing full well my summer breeze (cool song BTW) will be over soon. About the time my northerner friends are coming out in full force, I will be miserably pedalling on the stationary, rowing on the rower or being bored to tears on the elliptical. Actually, I do enjoy the rower. I put the fan right on me and the sound of the water in the wheel helps me pretend I'm on the Charles in Boston. Which is something I never ever would have thought of doing when I lived there. Oh...did I mention that? I'm from the Boston area. I moved to Florida almost 5 years ago...heehee! So I do know real cold. That is why I do not live there anymore. Snowsuits, shovels, boots, hats, mittens, snotty noses....NO THANKS! Been there, done that and you can believe I complained from September to June. Yes I did.

My husband used to ask me to sit out on the deck with him after dinner in the cold seasons. I'd say no. He'd tell me to get a BLANKET and enjoy the cool night air. It's a miracle we're still married. He loves to snow ski, snow mobile, camp, all that weird stuff people do outside in the cold. I don't like that. Maybe that's why my entire family fell on the floor laughing when I said I wanted to run a marathon. Hmmmm...mebbee! But I showed them, didn't I? Ran my 1st marathon 4.5 months into training. Thanks to my friend/coach/science teacher, Jim. I told him I wanted to run a marathon, he said ok, here's what ya gotta do. I did it and I finished the race. Not even last, imagine! Now I want to do Boston. Not all of Boston, just run the marathon (ha) kinda perverted joke, teehee...

So, until they make a snorkelly snowsuit I can wear and still run comfortably in, I will leave the fridgid weather to you crazy northerners. I like my chest DEfrosted, thank ya verra much. I like to feel the wind in my hair, not the icicles breaking off my hair clear down to the root. If I'm gonna slip while running, let it be on a banana peel I can SEE and quite possibly (but probably NOT) avoid and not on black ice. If I need to do a hurdle, let it be over a crock and NOT a snowbank.

Here's to you all up there, may the spring be in your step and in the air, may the flowers lean toward you as you run by, may you enjoy the perfect running weather headed your way soon. While I'm back in the gym....sniff, sniff.....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I Am Running Again!

Yahoo for me! I am so happy! Monday I ran 3.7 miles with my coach. We took it easy between my flexor and his quads, but it was a great run. I skipped yesterday (like a good grasshopper) and daydreamed all day about running 6 miles today. But I wasn't feeling too good. I have some upper respiratory thing going on. So staying true to myself, I said...."I'm a goin' anyway". I started off with yoga this morning, got nice and stretched out and out the door I went.

Now, I was doing a 6 mile loop. From the gym to my house is exactly 3 miles. I figured I'd leave the car there, run to my house, hydrate, then run back to the gym. That way I could hop on the elliptical or bike for a nice cool down. So guess what happened. As I was walking out the door to start the 2nd 3 miles (finished the 1st 3 in 32 minutes BTW), the phone rings. It's the school (thankfully, I answered) my Emily (she's my 10 year old) was sick and needed to be picked up. So guess where my car was. Yeah...3 miles away at the gym. Welcome to MY Luckily the whole school knows I run (my son tells everyone he sees) so when I explained to the nurse I needed a few minutes, she understood.

I was coughing by this point and my chest burned like I had run in 50 degree weather. Which, if you know me personally, you know I only needed to do THAT once. Back in November I ran 2 miles in 50 degrees. Took me 3 days to defrost my chest. I will never run in the cold again. Good thing I live in Florida. So anyway, back to the story.

I booked it out the door and down the street. I ran faster than usual figuring I'd just walk when I had to. Funny thing happened. I ran that mile in just under 8 minutes. Then I walked until my chest stopped freaking out and did it again. I tried to keep that up, it was pretty difficult. I felt light-headed a few times but I had a sick punkin waiting for me. By the time I got a half mile from the gym I was ready to hitch a ride. But I'm a wicked chicken and did not do that. I walked the last 1/2 mile. Coughing and light-headed. I didn't mind the light-headednes though....haha!! My total time for the 2nd 3 miles was 31 minutes. First 3 miles was 32 minutes. This proves 2 things to me....

1. My coach is right when he says you do not lose much time by walking when you need to.
2. I think I have a good chance of shaving my 5K time rather quickly.

I feel fine, flexor is a tiny bit tender and I am a very happy person right now. I'm not coughing too much now either. I have been training for endurance for so long that it felt so wrong to push myself today. My mantra has been "slow and steady wins the race" since the first time my feet hit the pavement. Any time I started to feel winded I have walked it out. But the marathon is over. I am free to test myself. I thought I had, but today when I was rushing to get back to my daughter I kept pushing through the weakness and light-headedness from the difficulty breathing. Emily was my goal.

I have my little one all tucked in her bed, tylenol administered, iPod beside her (she's a music fanatic like her Mom). She's looking quite happy (and healthy I might add). Sometimes even kids need some time off. She didn't need to fake a headache, but let's not tell her that part. Love that kid....

Monday, April 21, 2008

Body For Life Update

I have lost a total of 7 lbs. My body fat went down and my muscle thingy went up. Very slightly, but still in the right direction. And that is without running for 6 weeks! I've been doing a ton of crunches and I see the results of that too. My waist is getting a little curvier and I can get into some jeans Kerri gave me. Kerri is my TWENTY-ONE year old daughter. Yeah, how COOL is THAT? So it's paying off. I'm curious to see how getting back into running will effect this. I have been doing plenty of cardio at the gym while my flexor heals, so I'm sure that helped. It's not the same as running though. That's all for the update for now.....

Boston Marathon Day!

I saw some of the Boston Marathon while I was at the gym this morning. It was so exciting to watch the women going neck and neck for so long! A few blogger friends ran it too. Nitmos finished in 3:59:03! Wow, awesome run Nitmos!! Hugs to you!! And hurry up and post a detailed race report, I'm DYING!

After the first woman crossed the finish line, I took a run with my coach, Jim. I was so fired up from watching the marathon. I think we did a 5k in about 44 minutes. Pretty slow, but a great workout considering my flexor and Jim's quads. His were a little achy from a run he did on a rubber kind of track. I went a little easy for him. And if you believe THAT I have a bridge I'd like to sell ya. I feel fantastic and ready to train for the Minnie 15K. Jim predicts a 1:40 finish, which means I need to come in under that. It's a psychological game we play. He throws out a time, I endeavor to beat it.
So I'm thinking of buying a Minnie Mouse costume to run the race in. Kinda goofy, huh? (no pun intended) I figure no one knows me there anyway, so why not?? If I do decide to wear it, I'll post a pic here. Maybe. I think I'll check out some pictures from last year's run, see if anyone else did that. I have heard this is the last year Disney will hold the Minnie 15K. I'm very glad I am running it. My husband and the kids are excited to spend the weekend there too. We'll have a great time no matter what!