Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Week 5 Of Marathon Training

I'm into my 5th week of training. Last Saturday I was due for a 13 miler but I woke up Friday with a slight flu. Saturday morning was worse so I decided to put off the run until Sunday. I'm sure you can see where this is going. You are CORRECT! No long run for moi. Grrr.

Yesterday I tried a 2 miler. It was pretty warm and I had trouble breathing. I also don't like the feel of boogies running down my face. SEXY!!!! I grew concerned that a modeling agency might drive by and want me for the cover of some magazine, so I did the 2 miles in under 18 minutes and went home. I may have saved the career of a struggling model. =P

Last night I stumbled on HULU. It's a video/movie site where you can watch movies for free. I searched "Spirit Of The Marathon" and guess what??? YES!!!! They have it!!! I watched it. I saw it last year at the cinema but it was before I ran one. Watching it last night was wonderful because I could fully understand how everyone was feeling this time. Their hopes, dreams and of course...fears. I just love this movie!! It got me totally fired up!

So this morning I was dead set on doing my 13 miler. You may be thinking to yourself...."Aren't you sick, Kim??" Well, technically, yeah. But mentally...NO WAY! I just watched SPIRIT!! I am WOMAN!!! (Didja hear me roar?????) I headed out with high hopes. That were slowly slipping away as I went along my somewhat merry way. My pace was oh-so-slowwwwww...but I was actually ok with that for once. I just wanted to get the miles in today. But by mile 3 I could barely breathe and my nose was making me crazy. I turned around at 3.5 and trudged back. And I do mean trudged. It took me over an hour to run 6 miles. Surprisingly I am SO okay with that. I think I've matured as a runner. Being unable to run for almost a year taught me a few lessons. One of which is ya can't give up just because you have a couple of tough runs! I can chalk up today's run to a toughie and move on. It's a done deal. Plus...I still ran while sick. This means I have me some endurance...YES!

I have made the decision to just relax and get over this virus. I'll pop out for a few slowbie shorties this week...hopefully do some 800's before Saturday. I'll do the 13 miler this Saturday instead of the 8 that my training plan is calling for. I'll skip the 8 and do the 15 miler the following Saturday to get back on track. (no pun intended) Any advice on this plan will be greatly appreciated my fellow runners!!!!!!


Running Diva Mom said...

Take it easy and GET BETTER! You'll do better next weekend if you do. You have time ... Keep up the great work!

justme said...

now i want to see that movie

Michelle Simmons said...

Sounds like a good change to your plan. You can't train a tired/sick body. BUT, as soon as that virus is gone you'll be back to your old self and your old pace and then yes, we'll all be able to HEAR YOU ROAR !! (even from Hawaii I bet I'll hear it. ;)

Regina said...

I think you are wise to rest. Then you can come back out haulin' ass!

Sherry said...

Hey Kimmy... well, "it" happens. We all get sick, we all miss runs (sometime it's not even caused by being sick), but I swear, I'm a firm believer that sometimes you just have to make a positive out of a negative. Your body is more rested now, it's had the chance to recover and it will be STRONGER!!!

When I missed a long run before Philly, my coach actually told me to just forget about that run entirely (like it never even existed) and MOVE ON with the program as written. Just food for thought. :o)

Also, don't think about pacing... long runs are meant to be slooooow. Have you ever plugged your previous race results into Greg McMillans running calculator? http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/mcmillanrunningcalculator.htm

For example, based on my half marathon race times (race pace is around an 8:52 for me), my long runs (and my easy runs) should be anywhere between a 9:53 pace and a 10:53 pace. EASY, COMFY! I usually stick to somewhere between a 10:00 and a 10:10. Tempo runs are a different story... they are where 'thinking fast' comes into play and they hurt. Just more food for thought. :o)

Unknown said...

Hulu is da bomb! Especially since I don't have a TV anymore...

Steven Cohen said...

Well, I'm too late to be any help, but please do NOT do any 800s until you are well! That's a speed workout, and you can't help yourself by working that hard. Enough from me. Hope you are able to run whatever you like by Saturday! :D

Mile Posts by Dorothy Beal said...

I think that plan sounds great. And like one reader already said - your long runs are supposed to be slow. You are building your oxygen carrying capilaries and that only happens during LONG, SLOW runs :) Happy Holidays!